How to Best Support Healthcare Workers Today

While we should always do our best to support healthcare workers, the COVID-19 pandemic has been especially difficult for them. While the severity of the pandemic varies by location, many healthcare workers around the country are understaffed, working long hours, and putting themselves at risk every day to not only do what they can for those who catch the virus, but for everyone who walks in the door regardless of their reasoning. Here are a few ways you can support your healthcare workers.

Make Donations

If the pandemic is particularly bad in your area, such as a crowded city, a good way to support healthcare workers who are working long hours is by making donations. A common donation to make is sending the workers food. Everyone loves food, and healthcare workers will be thankful for a free, hot meal to get them through the long hours. When ordering food, keep in mind various dietary restrictions so nobody is left out. Cold food might be better as well if you’re ordering delivery for them, as it can still be good several hours later. If you’re looking to donate equipment, reach out to the hospital you’re trying to donate to and see if they will accept them, as many organizations don’t take outside donations of that sort.

Be Sure To Listen

If you personally know a healthcare worker, one of the best things you can do to help them right now is simply listening to them. They’re likely highly stressed and exhausted and may want to rant about work to someone. Every day healthcare workers are dealing with a fear of bringing the virus home, dealing with supply shortages at work, being understaffed, or even losing patients. This can be extremely draining on a person, so be sure to give them your full attention when they talk to you about it. Don’t worry too much about giving them advice, as there likely isn’t much you can do in those regards, but be sure to show them that you’re here and are always available if they just want to talk about the way they’re feeling.

Show Your Appreciation

Most importantly, be sure to show healthcare workers your appreciation. Whether you personally know one or you’ve had an interaction with one recently, just saying “thank you” can make a difference in their day. These are difficult times, and the healthcare industry can be rather thankless. A little kindness can go a long way.

For more information, visit New Horizon Counseling Center’s website.

Creating a Routine and Sticking to It

Routines are great. They help keep your life on track and are good for your health. While they may not work for everyone and some may even think having a routine is boring, a lot of people find comfort in having one. The problem is that creating a sticking to a routine isn’t always an easy task, especially with the world struggling through a pandemic and various other issues. So how can you create a routine and be sure to stick to it? Here are a few tips.

Create A Plan

A great place to start with your routine is by actually writing out what you want your routine to be. Start making a list with times and the various tasks you want to complete throughout the day. Start with when you wake up and do your daily morning rituals such as breakfast or a shower and brushing your teeth. Plan out the rest of your day from there, including work, various meals, and any other things you typically do in a day like going to the gym or attending extracurricular activities. Remind yourself that this routine can be flexible and you don’t need to adhere to the exact times on your list. Life comes at us fast and unexpected situations arise all of the time, so don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t follow totally follow your routine on any given day.

Stick To The Plan

Once you actually have your new routine laid out you have to make sure you stick with it. The real challenge in this is actually getting started. A great way to do this is by picking the parts of your routine that excites you most and starting there. Since starting a routine can be a big change in your life, it’s good to tackle it in small parts. By starting slowly and small, you can get used to some of the easier parts of your routine so they became a habit, and slowly build the more difficult parts into it as you go. It’s said that a habit can take around 3 months to really stick with a person, so be patient and you’ll be there before you know it. It’s also good to remind yourself that it’s okay if you miss part of your routine here or there. Don’t punish yourself, as it will only be detrimental.

Reward Yourself

If you do a good job of sticking to your routine, try rewarding yourself. For example, if part of your routine is to avoid all unhealthy foods throughout the week and you manage to do so, take a break over the weekend and treat yourself to something you really love, even if it isn’t great to you. This type of positive reinforcement can be a great way to motivate yourself to continue with your routine.

For more information, visit New Horizon Counseling Center’s website.