How To Talk To Your Children About Mental Health

Even though talking about mental health can be hard for older people, it can be even harder for younger people.

Various factors, such as the developing brain, the prevalence of misinformation, and the lack of support, make it hard to talk about mental health. This is why it’s important to talk about it with your kids.

The pandemic has been very difficult for everyone. However, it has been especially hard for children. Their social life, outdoor activities, and daily routines were disrupted, which damaged their mental health. They are at risk of developing psychiatric disorders as a result.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, we are still positive that there is hope. The increasing number of people talking about mental health can help raise awareness about the importance of honest discussion.

Set an Example

Talk to your kids about how you handle big feelings. It’s also OK to tell them that you are sad or upset about a particular experience.

It’s also important to talk about your parenting boundaries. A clear understanding of these limits can help prevent your child from feeling pressured to care for your mental health.

One of the most important steps to maintaining this boundary is regularly discussing how you’re taking care of your feelings.

Be Direct

Being direct with your kids can help keep them safe. If you notice something is wrong, talk to them directly to make them feel safe.

Due to advancements in mental health treatment, there are now more options available for people who need help. If you suspect that your child is experiencing suicidal thoughts or is engaging in risky behavior, talk to them directly.

You should also seek professional help. If you feel that it’s an emergency, you can call 911.

Connect With Them

Today’s youth rely on social media a lot. It can be easy to write off these platforms as a negative influence in their lives, creating a culture of false expectations and comparison.

It’s important to talk to your kids about their current interests. It’s also important to check their social media profiles to see who they follow. It could be their friends or public figures.

Ask your kids about their favorite content and what they find interesting on social media. This can help you identify their interests and connect with them on a deeper level. For instance, they may find a musician who talks about mental health incredibly relatable.

According to studies, engaging with your kids on social media can promote mental health. It can also help keep up with the changes that are happening in the world.

Even if your child’s interests seem out of your comfort zone, engaging with them can foster closeness and trust. Taking an interest in what your child is passionate about can also help build trust and closeness.

Emphasize Self-Care

One of the most important factors that you can consider when it comes to developing a healthy self-care routine is to turn it into a family affair. This can involve taking part in regular walks together, meditation, and cultivating an environment that’s safe to talk about challenging feelings.

Creating rituals with each of your kids can also help create a healthy self-care routine. For instance, you can get your nails done and spend some time with your child as you check in on their feelings.

Make sure that your routine feels as normal as possible, and this can help make mental health and self-care conversations more regular.

This article was originally posted on Herrick Lipton’s website.

How You Can Help Your Child Develop Trust

Establishing a child’s sense of trust is very important in a relationship. It can be done early in the child’s development by being responsive to their emotional and physical needs. Studies have shown that children who are able to be soothed are more able to regulate their emotions and cope with anxiety. Modeling correct behavior will help them better understand how they should act around other people.

One of the most important factors you can consider when establishing a child’s sense of trust is being able to recognize and empathize with them. This will allow you to provide them with the necessary support and encouragement to handle whatever challenges they may encounter. You should also respect their privacy, as some things they want to keep private may come up later.

Let your child have certain aspects of their life separate from you as long as there is no reason to believe something has to be discussed. During this stage, children start feeling a sense of separation as they begin to form their own selves.

You should let them fold clothes, put away dishes, handle utensils, or help you prepare food. Don’t expect much success, and try not to get carried away if they accidentally break a glass, as this can happen. By extending the option, you’re showing them that you trust them, and you’ll be able to let them know that you’re still confident in their ability.

Make sure to provide your child with the necessary support and encouragement to handle whatever challenges they may encounter. One of the best ways to do this is by playing with them. This can help them develop a bond with their friends and learn about how you show trust to other people. It’s also a great way to bond with your child and connect with them about their interests.

Being able to answer any questions that they may have while you’re playing will give them the necessary security to know that you’re capable of taking care of them. This is also a great time to remind your child to be careful around other people, as well as not to trust anyone who doesn’t know them.

This article was originally posted on Herrick Lipton’s website.

Resources for Parents of Children Who are Mentally Ill

Conversations about mental illness have come a long way from the days when adjectives such as unmentionable, secretive, and shameful inaccurately described the issue at hand. That said, there are still miles to travel before mental illness is received with complete transparency. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that in the year 2022, mental illness is more respected and recognized as a serious health factor to be addressed. Thankfully today, mental health continues to grow as a largely accepted societal enormity in dire need of supportive measures, funding, research, and treatments.

For parents of children who are mentally ill, it isn’t unusual for overwhelming feelings to occur. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to gain access to professional resources of support, guidance, and understanding without shame.

First Things First

While children with mental illness command constant care, a parent’s self-care is of the highest priority. Caregiving is a demanding job both mentally and physically, especially when mental illness cannot offer any reprieve for the child or the parent. Setting personal boundaries can help:

– Determine the simplest forms of preferred self-care, such as peer support, music, hydration, healthy snacks, and exercise regimes that can be included even for brief moments throughout the day.

– Prioritize those self-care routines for all family members throughout the day, every day. Fight strong urges to ignore self-care. Self-care must become a strong habit for everyone in the home. Involving all reliable members within the family will assist with the threat of becoming consumed by ongoing responsibilities.

National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)

This multi-dimensional resource offers a plethora of mental health information. Teachings about mental health illness, types of mental illness, treatments, public awareness topics, family support, and therapies are the spearheading answers families require to live with optimism and strength surrounding such delicate mental health details.

Online and in-person navigation options through NAMI Basics OnDemand offer hope and clarity about mental illness in families and surrounding neighborhoods. Because each family’s mental health needs are unique, NAMI is a primary resource defending the mental health needs of families all over the world.

Need more? Please do not hesitate to contact NAMI or a mental health provider for more answers about mental health.    

This article was originally published on Herrick Lipton’s blog.

Supporting Children Through Depression

Being prepared for situations that may arise is very important as a parent. One of the most critical steps you can take is making sure that your child’s mental health is taken seriously. According to a study, about 12.8% of adolescents in the US have experienced major depression. Here are a few steps that you can take to identify if your child is experiencing depression.

Warning Signs

During adolescence, there are many phases that kids go through. It can be hard to tell when their behavior is becoming more severe or when they might start experiencing mood swings. Identifying the warning signs of depression is the first step in helping your child get better.

Some warning signs can include:

-Low Self-Esteem

-Lack of Interest

-Changing in Eating Habits

Getting Help

There are multiple ways to help your child, such as talking to their pediatrician, getting in touch with mental health services, and researching online. Although it’s essential not to ignore the signs of depression, it’s also necessary to give your child the necessary support and resources to fight it.

Emotional Support

Having the support of the family is very important for your child’s development. It can help build a strong base for them in their social relationships. Having that family support can help build a strong foundation for your child’s trust. Talking about their problems and concerns can help you identify potential warning signs.

Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle can help the symptoms of depression be more manageable. It can also help prevent the development of mental health issues in the first place. Some healthy lifestyle options can include exercising, eating healthy, and getting sleep. 

Staying Connected

One of the main symptoms of depression is isolation, which can worsen the effects of depression if not taken care of sooner than later. Not getting the social interaction that a regular child needs can be damaging. Unfortunately, it can be challenging for kids to connect with new people due to their limited social skills. 

Maintaining a positive relationship with people can help a child feel better about themselves. However, it’s important to remember that loneliness won’t go away. Being prepared to react and alert to any signs of depression can help keep the situation under control.

This article was originally published on Herrick Lipton’s website.